Showing posts with label cosmos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cosmos. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

Cosmos, Zinnias, Marigolds

I started these seedlings on Feb 15. Two days later, the Cosmos were sprouting. Four days later, Zinnias and Marigolds are "joining the party" :)

In the images above, the bigger seedlings are Cosmos.

Lots of work ahead of me... I will need to transplant all the seedlings soon. I wait until they have the second set of leaves (the first true leaves set).


Monday, November 3, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Front Yard

Zinnia white
Zinnia Red, Giant
Cosmos Sensation and self-sewn from last year. Dark and Light pink

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Front Yard

Yet another view.
Here you can see Zinnias, Cosmos, Rose, and the climber (forgot the name :()

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Garden - Cosmos

I plant cosmos every year. I love to see them kind of flying with the wind. I added the white cosmos this year. They look so beautiful.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I woke up with a big surprise: my domain was gone!!! The reason is a combination of all the misshapen that have happened since I created this service: google accounts cancelled wout explanation, change of phone numbers because of things that are happening in my life, etc
So, I would really appreciate if you can spread the word regarding the "change" of url to this site. I will need to come up with a new domain, so I can make life easier... in the meantime, it will work with blogspot. I am very sorry for any inconvenience. Luiza

My seedlings could not be doing better. Here are the tomatoes and the pepper that I seeded on January 29th.

Here are the Cosmos and Peony Poppy also seeded on January 29th, and the While Cosmos (the middle one) seeded on Feb 7th.

Here are the Impatiens seeded on Feb 7th.

And finally the last tomatoes that I seeded: Mortgage Lifter. I seeded on Feb 13th.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My seedlings...

It has been less than 2 days since I planted some seeds! I already have some showing their faces... Cosmos is already sprouting. I love to see Nature's miracles alive!!!!

Some of you asked me about my setup. I have a very simple setup, and it worked for me since last year. I plant the seeds in supermarket containers (Costco). These containers are from grapes and cherries (I believe). I do have a heating mat, but I do not think they are that important... Later, I will transplant the seedlings in individual pots.

Thanks for dropping by,

Monday, November 22, 2010

I love Cosmos

I plant Cosmos every year in my garden. I start them by seeds. I buy the seeds, I save the seeds. In summary, I've tried lots of ways to grow the seed. I can tell you: they are very easy to grow! In particular, the Cosmos Sensation. I've tried others too. Some worked, some did not.

The Sensation Cosmos I grow every year, no matter what. They are reliable. I barely stick the seed to the soil. I keep the seeds wet - not soaking wet though -  as that makes them grow faster. Plant them when they are around 5 inches tall. I make sure I protect the seedling from slugs and snails. The slugs-snails love when the Cosmos is young!

This year I tried Cosmos Psyche White. I loved the white flowers with the different petals. They grew very well from seeds. I planted them the same way I plant the cosmos seeds. However, they were gone much faster than the Sensation flowers.

I tried Cosmos Cosmic Orange last year. I think I only saved 3-4 plants from all the seedlings. I did not try again this year, as I tried not to grow too many orange-yellow flowers this year.

Several years ago I tried Cosmos Pied Piper. They did grow, but the amount of flowers was not as much as the Sensation.

The only problem with Cosmos is that it takes work for you to get flowers the whole summer. You need to cut the flowers that are done so the plant does not set seeds. If the plant set seeds, you will have less and less flowers. So, it will require you to go to the garden and do some cleaning. For me, it is usually not a problem: it does not take long to remove the dead flowers.

In summary, if you want a flower to start from seeds that is easy to grow, give Cosmos a try.
